Learn the Art of Linocut Printing via Nature Imprinted

Would you like to learn linocut printing from an expert? Search Press has just the book for you! In Nature Imprinted, UK artist and author Jane Spink shepherds readers through the process of creating linocut blocks, and details how to use them to make lovely prints that reflect the beauty of the natural world.  


cover of Nature Inspired book shows block prints of nature images including birds, a bee, and leafy plants


I thoroughly enjoyed perusing the hardcover book's 160 pages and admired the ten bold and beautiful nature-inspired projects.

three wood handled linocut tools placed on linocut blocks and prints

You'll learn to carve birds, flowers, leaves and more while building your skill set with each project. As Jane declares in the book's opening, I will never stop being amazed at the potential this process offers to create new ideas. From strong, simple and graphic, to the capacity for achieving the finest details, linocut printing is a wonderful technique for creating many, many different styles of artwork.


linocut printing tools and examples of nature-inspired prints on project introduction book pages

She says you don't need to spend a lot to get started and suggests purchasing a simple kit... that's always welcome news when trying a new hobby. I found it interesting to read about the tools, inks and papers, and how to handle them. For example, pressing tools range from a simple wooden spoon to book presses, or printing and etching presses that can cost up to a hundred thousand dollars!


linocut tool and cut block shows many loose curls on surface


Techniques are presented one by one and there is also a handy troubleshooting section.


book page about printing linocut prints shows text and image of woman creating print in a press


A template is included for each design. By the way, prints don't have to be black and white...vivid colors can be used too.   


double page image of project instructions and image of leaf linocut print


Enjoy a flipthrough video on the book's Amazon page where there are already 26 verified reviews. Each one is 5 stars - it doesn't get much better than that! Also, check out Jane Spink's website, Inky Dog Studio, and her very popular Instagram feed... she is @inkydogstudio.  

two pages with text and black and white bird linocut print from book about making a bold print

And now, a BOOK GIVEAWAY [ENDED] for U.S., Canada, UK and Europe residents.

FIVE Winners!


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NOTE: You must include your email address within your actual comment so that you can be notified if you win. If you wish, you may type the address within the comment box this way: janedoe at gmail dot com. (This blog's platform makes it impossible for me to see the email address that it requires you to type in first, thus the necessity to type it twice.) 

The giveaway is also underway on Instagram. [ENDED] Would you like to double your chances? You may enter both places!


Five winners will be selected from combined blog and Instagram entries by a random number generator on Sunday, June 23, notified, and announced on this post and Instagram. Good luck! 


This giveaway is sponsored by Search Press.


Congratulations to blog entrant winners, Candy and inkysinkstudio!


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Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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  1. Lindafarrelly@outlook.com count me in!

  2. Wow, I dabbled in printing with linoleum blocks around 50 years ago and still have the tools! Maybe it’s time to revisit with this new books as inspiration. mstrauch at mac dot com

  3. I would love to try this craft jmcomp41 at hotmail dot co dot uk

  4. That brings back some wonderful memories, I really have to do this again. Thanks for a chance and good luck to all! Anneke dot Schep65 at gmail dot com

  5. Wow! Does this look like fun! Slkunze at Gmail dot com

  6. Kimatlsu@aol.com. Crazy excited if I win - I’ve cut a stamp out of easy cut lino before, but I am not particularly proficient. Love it!

  7. Thank you so much for the opportunity! Marpyhayse at gmail dot com

  8. I majored n printmaking. Love to see the renaissance. I would enjoy this book, ranshawmiller@gmail.com

  9. Hello! I’m going to try my luck again 😊 I recently got a starter linocut kit, and I’ve been experimenting on my own with…limited success. I could definitely use a good primer! I can be reached at christaclark76 at gmail dot com

  10. I think this type of Linocut would work well for pottery tiles! Candy dot Sidner at yahoo dot com

  11. I would love to win this book. Thank you for the opportunity to be in the drawing. emcclellan@san.rr.com

  12. Looks like what I am looking for!

  13. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, Ann! That looks like a beautiful book to learn printmaking 😊
    07maya-trachea@ iCloud.com

  14. What a lovely book! diane74 at sympatico dot ca

  15. Looks like so much fun! I sure would like to have a copy of the book 📖
    ingrid.karlsson at jordbruksverket dot se

  16. When I was student teaching, I had about three days of linocut to show the students before moving on to the next lesson. I remember cutting my fingers trying to learn the techniques an hour before I was going to teach them. I remember thinking’ no way am I doing this with my students when I have a class ‘. Now that I am retired all these old techniques keep popping back up that I would like to try.

  17. This would be a fabulous addition to my daughter's collection of printing books inkysinkstudio@icloud.com

  18. Nature Imprinted is a beautifully illustrated book! Filled with precise and clear instructions and projects that make one want to "dig" right in. I would be thrilled to win a copy. Thank you greysaver at Gmail dot com

  19. Thanks a lot for this opportunity. Love this technique.
    achatblois at gmail dot com

  20. This looks like a great book and it’s unusual for us in the U.K. to get a chance, so thank you! Lesleychodgson at hotmail dot com.

  21. Ann, after all these years, you still have some of the best content! Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful book! Bethjbeal at aol dot com

  22. How exciting! I personally have not yet tried Linocut, but it intreges me! And the chance to win this beautiful book is an honor ;) Thank you, Sherrimclark at Gmail dot com

  23. WHI would not want to try this?! 😁😁
    Big YES! Count me in, too.
    swisstwinkie at yahoo dot com

  24. me please alexmuir04@outlook.com or alexmuir04 at outlook dot com


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