Tònia of Tònia BÖSKÊ in Barcelona is a self-described perfectionist who delights in creating highly detailed paper miniature dioramas. One interesting fact about Tònia'a art life - and there are many - is that it was Spain's pandemic lockdown that gave her the impetus to develop her talent as a paper artist. I know you'll enjoy getting to know her...
What prompted you to try your hand at making 3D paper figures?
In Spain we were
suddenly forced to stay indoors at home for a month, so this is all pretty
recent. Just as suddenly, on that same day I decided to use my imagination to escape from confinement by making something I had never made before: paper art! In fact, I have not had any artistic training (I studied
Psychology); I am self-taught.
I’ve made four paper
dioramas so far (Home Sweet Home, Sausages!, All Cats Like Jazz, and Life) as a way of learning, plus four smaller ones with
plasticine. My most recent work,
Life, on which I worked more than a year,
can be considered a kind of graduation. Each figure in Life
was inspired by a
stage of my personal or professional life.
It is a forest with two levels of height (burrows and land surface),
including three trees that are used for housing or business, fourteen
anthropomorphic animals measuring 6-12cm tall, and lots of
props and vegetation.
I put a great deal of thought into my dioramas... for example, the path that crosses Life is a metaphor for the emotional and learning journey that I traveled while creating the scene.
Tell us about the origin of your artist name.
Tònia is my first name and BÖSKÊ is the name I chose for this project.
It is formed by the contraction of the names of the two female English Cocker Spaniels with
whom I have shared / I share my life: Bòsnia and Kenya (the
countries). A paper version of Kenya is my profile photo.
What is your primary occupation and would you like to pursue work as a paper artist or will it remain a hobby?
I work as a web designer / developer, web content, SEO and
community manager so I can only dedicate the spare
time I have after other responsibilities to my paper stuff.
considering getting some economic return from paper art in the
not-too-distant future, but I’m going to start small... maybe sell some
pieces in an online store, accept custom orders, and also try to make
myself known in the publishing world, advertising, window dressing,
There is a project I can’t talk about until it’s fully realized, but I have been asked to participate in a really cool project with other paper
artists. I feel very honored, as important paper artists have
participated in this same collaboration before.
Would you share a bit about your process?
In a nutshell, my work is not computer-designed and I cut the paper by hand. I do a
lot of sketches and make toy prototypes. I use scissors, curved scissors, craft knife, precision tweezers, a
commonly used white liquid glue and Canson Mi Teintes paper. It is the best I have found, both for its double-sided
texture and for its thickness and solidity.
my Instagram account there are tutorials about my process
and tips on materials. I also offer information in my posts or when
asked in the comments.
People can see my portfolio, better organized and explained, on Behance. It is where I first began posting my images. Having my work placed twice in the platform's galleries was an honor that led to my taking myself seriously as a paper artist.
though you are relatively new to the paper art world, do you have
advice to share with others who are just getting started?
best advice I can give (from my perspective as a person who
was not allowed to perform artistically during my youth and who now recovers
lost time in a self-taught way) are:
1) Stop thinking or talking about what you will make... just make it.
Your next work has to be, not a little, but much more difficult and
complex than the previous one. Only by imposing challenges on yourself
and leaving your comfort zone, will you learn and improve.
3) If you’re not willing to spend free time or hours you don’t have on paper art, maybe you’re not interested enough.
Follow along with Tònia BÖSKÊ via Behance and Instagram.
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