Six New and Exciting Paper Crafting Books

It's time for a round up of newly released or soon to be released paper crafting books that are worth checking out!

Crepe Paper Blooms, Bugs and Butterflies: Over 20 Colourful Paper Projects from Miss Petal & Bloom is a how-to book by popular Singapore paper artist Eileen Lim who uses Italian crepe paper to craft remarkable flowers and insects. This 128 page paperback is published by David & Charles.


cover image of Crepe Paper Blooms, Bugs and Butterflies, paper crafting book, shows colorful crepe paper flowers and insects

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Think Snow! For kirigami enthusiasts, Animal Snowflakes: 40 Templates to Fold and Snip by self-published authors Ellen Deakin and Harry Olden, looks to be a cool way for adults and school-age kids to while away warm summer evenings. 


pink and white cover of Animal Snowflakes kirgami paper crafting book

Keep in mind I haven't seen any of these books in person, but I'm pretty selective before deciding to include them on my blog. Judging by the well-written info on this Amazon listing, plus images of all 40 imaginative snowflakes (some are 4-sided, some 6) you can't go too far wrong with this inexpensive 110 page book of templates and instructions. Plus, all that's needed to get started is a good pair of scissors! 


cover of A Beginner's Guide to Quilling Paper Flowers shows many examples of quilled flowers


It's always a nice surprise to see the name of someone I've met on the cover of a book (not that it has happened often, but it has happened). Such was the case when I came across Motoko Nakatani's (a.k.a. Maggie) and her lovely book of botanical quilling, A Beginner's Guide to Quilling Paper Flowers: Beautiful Japanese-Style Paper Art. This hardcover book, republished in English by Tuttle Publishing, will be available in the U.S. on October 11, 2022. It can be pre-ordered now.

super fine Japanese quilling tool with cap

I owe Maggie a debt of gratitude for introducing me to my favorite precision quilling tool at a North American Quilling Guild convention. Maggie lives in Japan where she teaches quilling and runs a quilling supply business that includes the Japanese super fine slotted tool. It was a total game changer for my overstressed hands. 


cover of Crafting Magical Window Stars shows examples of colorful translucent folded paper window stars

A new release just last month, Crafting Magical Window Stars, is another book that would be great for summertime crafting. Use colorful tissue or kite paper and go to town making the 25 different folded paper stars. With stars designed by Frederique Gueret and translation provided by Anna Cardwell, this 120 page paperback is from Floris Books in Scotland.

cover of Modern Origami shows examples of folded paper animals, chairs, eyeglasses, and airplane

If you've been on the prowl for clever origami designs that you haven't seen elsewhere, Modern Origami: The Amazing Art of Paper Sculpture by Muneii Fuchimoto has your name on it. For example, how great is this chair collection... I want to make all of them! Available now, this Tuttle paperback has 160 pages.  


colorful folded paper origami chairs displayed on white shelves

Entrepreneurial spirit never fails to amaze me. Paper Houses - Let's Help Ukraine has been out since mid-March, just a few short weeks after Russia's invasion. Self-published by Mike Junior, it's an inexpensive way for tiny house lovers to show support and have fun folding and gluing 27 blue and yellow decorated houses (9 styles).  


cover of Paper Houses - Let's Help Ukraine shows yellow and blue tiny paper houses decorated with Ukrainian motifs on display shelves

50% of the book's revenue will be donated by the author to non-governmental organizations such as the ICRC and Doctors Without Borders. It is Volume 8 in a series that includes an array of home styles from around the world. 


Remember, your local library just might have some of these books or may be willing to obtain them for you via an interlibrary loan. It doesn't hurt to ask and you could be pleasantly surprised!

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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