Lighthearted Handmade Greeting Cards from Flaunt

If you enjoy greeting cards with handmade touches and clever sayings, you just might love Flaunt Cards as much as I do. I came across this Canadian business on Instagram recently and couldn't wait to introduce it to you... or perhaps I'm just late to the party having only discovered it now and you've been sending Flaunt Cards for the past twenty years!


greeting card on mulberry paper background featuring a torn paper fuzzy bird wearing crown with a You Are Remarkable message


It was in 2001 that Shannon Barnes, Flaunt's owner and creator in North Vancouver, began producing oh-so-cute cards accentuated with witty wording and painted mulberry paper touches. She has a love of giving and receiving cards that was instilled from a young age by her mother and grandmother.

Father's Day handmade greeting card showing round mulberry paper creature standing atop a hand drawn maze with Dad, You Are Amazing caption

Shannon, a true ideas person, told me that she does "all of the design work; captions and ideas come up through daily life. My bambinos are teens now and they help me label and package when things are super busy. :) I have a phenomenal woman, Eden, who has been a constant with Flaunt for ten years and can make more than 2000 cards a week! She’s a dream and a significant part of the family." 

flat lay of three greeting cards, thanks and happy birthday, featuring tiny mulberry paper whimsical creatures and script captions

It's hard to imagine a recipient who wouldn't be delighted to receive a Flaunt Card. Believe it or not, there are several hundred designs - each with personality and pizzazz - that are perfect for a number of holidays and life occasions. Check out the Father's Day and graduations cards, for example... there are many whimsical choices.

Happy Graduation Smarty Pants  greeting card shows black eyeglasses with mulberry paper owl sitting on corner of frame 
The company has grown over the years and no doubt Shannon is proud that all of the work - cutting, gluing, painting, packaging, and selling - still takes place locally before being shipped around the world. 
A Birthday Toast for You mulberry paper greeting card shows slice of toast wearing a party hat
Fibrous mulberry paper can be trimmed with scissors to create typical clean-cut edges, but it lends itself especially well to the adorable creatures that often appear on Flaunt Cards. This is because mulberry paper can be dampened slightly and the fibers teased apart resulting in a soft, furry look.

mulberry paper orange fox with lightbulb over its head on handmade graduation card with caption that reads Your Future Is So Bright

It's good to note that Flaunt is environmentally responsible. The cards are made of signature sparkly paper that is 100% recyclable and manufactured using elemental chlorine-free (EFC) pulps from trees grown in sustainable forests. Soy-based inks are used too.

I'm going to be on the lookout for Flaunt Cards in stationery and gift shops near me as they are sold not just in Canada, but also in the U.S. Europe, and Australia.


flat lay of Sending You Sunshine handmade greeting card decorated with yellow mulberry paper sunshine with eyes and a smile


Flaunt Cards is on Instagram and also Facebook where I chuckled at the company tagline, "We are tearing it up at Flaunt!" Yes, indeed they are.


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Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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