Blooming Paper: How to Handcraft Paper Flowers and Botanicals

It's the rare person who doesn't appreciate flowers, even when they're made of paper - or dare I say especially when they are made of paper? Perhaps it's because paper flowers are so unexpected, not to mention far longer lasting than the real thing. UK designer-maker Laura Reed created and photographed beautiful projects that are made with simple tools and materials for her new how-to book, Blooming Paper: How to Handcraft Paper Flowers and Botanicals.


cover of Blooming Paper book showing multicolor, multi-floral bouquet and pair of scissors

This paperback contains 160 pages and 400 color images. It will be released on December 7, 2021 and is available for pre-order so you can expect it to arrive in time for holiday gifting. Schiffer Publishing is sponsoring this giveaway and has also made available the instructions you see below for crafting paper freesias and a bouquet to give you a sampling of what you'll find between the covers. 


multicolor paper flower bouquet on table with long ribbon tied into bow around stems

Via the press release: "By the end of the book, you will not only know how to make a range of flowers but also understand how to design your own blooms and use them in projects. You’ll confidently choose suitable materials, tools, and techniques to produce successful finished pieces. Along with the 7 projects, you’ll also learn to make these flowers: Poppy | Daisy | Peony | Tulip | Lily | Carnation | Foliage | Dahlia | Ranunculus | Rose | Daffodil | Freesia | Sunflower | Eucalyptus."


Sample Flower Instructions:

introductory book page about paper freesias project


book page step-by-step instructions for making paper freesias

step-by-step book page instructions for making a paper freesia stem

Laura explained via Instagram that she prefers to use card or paper instead of crepe paper or tissue for flower making because "it gives a nice crisp, graphical quality to the finished flowers. It is surprisingly adaptable and you can make both stylised and more realistic flowers, as well as complementary foliage."

introductory book page text about making a paper flower bouquet


step-by-step book page instructions on completing a paper flower bouquet

book page step-by-step instructions on completing a paper flower bouquet

And now a US and Canada giveaway! [ENDED] To enter to win a copy of Blooming Paper: How to Handcraft Paper Flowers and Botanicals, post a comment below through Saturday, November 27. 


Because I am unable to see the email address you type in at first on the comment form, please include your email address within your actual comment so you can be notified if you win. If spam is a concern, type it this way: janedoe at gmail dot com 

Two chances to win! An identical giveaway is underway on Instagram. [ENDED] You may enter both places to double your chances, but may only win once.


book page showing instructions on making a paper flower garland

Winners will be chosen via a random number generator - one from blog entries and one from Instagram entries - notified, and announced at the bottom of this post and on the Instagram post on Sunday, November 28, 2021.

 book page introductory text about making a paper garden rose

Blooming Paper: How to Handcraft Paper Flowers and Botanicals can be purchased directly from Schiffer Publishing, Amazon, and your local bookseller. 

Congratulations to the winners, Allison, here on the blog, and Roberta on IG.

Stay tuned for another great book giveaway in early December.



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Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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