Paper Sculpture: Fluid Forms

Have you marveled at curved paper sculptures and wondered how on earth a flat sheet of paper is transformed into something so elegant? Thanks to artist and designer Richard Sweeney's how-to book, Paper Sculpture: Fluid Forms, you can learn the secrets!


cover of Paper Sculpture: Fluid Forms book shows pleated and curved paper model

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Originally published by Gingko Press in 2016, the book is newly rereleased by Schiffer Publishing. It contains new images and information, as well as a new cover. Take a peek inside the book on the Schiffer website.
 white folded and curved paper sculpture model 
Via the press release: "Simple, clear instructions and diagrams teach the building blocks: curved folding (symmetrical curves, circular folding), curved pleating (parallel pleat, reflection pleat, S curve, radiating pleat, crescent pleat), wet folding, faceted pleating (twist, herringbone), and modular forms (curved module, shell module, pleat module)."
creased and curved 3D white paper sculpture ball-like model 
This is a 128-page softcover book containing four hundred color and black/white images.
four identical creased and curved white 3D paper models


And now a US and Canada giveaway! [ENDED] To enter to win a copy of Paper Sculpture: Fluid Forms, post a comment below through Saturday, October 30.


creased and curved 3D white paper sculpture model


Because I will be unable to see the email address you type in at first on the comment form, you will need to include your email address within your actual comment so I can notify you if you win. If spam is a concern, type it this way: janedoe at gmail dot com


circular creased and curved 3D white paper sculpture

Two chances to win: An identical giveaway is underway on Instagram. [ENDED] You may enter both places to double your chances, but may only win once.


circular white creased and curved paper sculpture

Winners will be chosen via a random number generator - one from blog entries and one from Instagram entries - notified, and announced at the bottom of this post and on the Instagram post on Sunday, October 31, 2021.


Paper Sculpture: Fluid Forms can be purchased directly from Schiffer Publishing and Amazon


Congratulations to the winner, Jillybean!


This giveaway is sponsored by Schiffer Publishing.


Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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