Make an Architectural Tiered Paper Ornament

I've had it in the back of my mind to make Patricia Zapata's paper Tiered Garland Ornament ever since my All Things Paper book was released... it is one of the twenty included craft projects. Yesterday was finally the day to do so (why on earth did I wait so long?) and I had the best time tracing, cutting stringing... it's a fun process that goes quickly. This is Patricia's stunning model that personifies her minimal style.


white paper ornament composed of six layered folded discs


I was thrilled when she, the queen of spare yet perfect designs, agreed to create a project for the book, as I had a feeling that I would love her submission even before seeing it. The cutting template and instructions were shared on the CraftFoxes site when the book was first released to give a little taste of the type of projects you'll find between the covers, so you can make one or a whole garland.

paper template and gold embossed paper disc on embossed paper background

While Patricia made her ornament from white card stock, I used a sheet of embossed gold paper I had on hand and couldn't resist putting decorative glass beads between the discs to make it even more glam. (The 100% recycled cotton, screen printed paper comes in packets of color coordinated patterns from Shizen Design in India, a brand that is carried by Mulberry Paper and More in the U.S.)

reverse side of folded paper discs on background of embossed paper


As I was using scissors rather than a craft knife as Patricia did, I cut the smallest sections close to the center of each disc, trimmed the length to about 1/8", and folded and glued the tabs to the back for a neat look.

folded embossed gold paper discs with T-pin and beads on embossed paper background

I used a T-pin to pierce a hole in the center of each disc, then threaded a needle with a double length of ornament cord, tied a knot at the end, and working from the bottom up, assembled the discs with a couple of glass beads between each one to space them evenly.

tiered gold embossed paper ornament with decorative beads hanging in evergreen tree

Amazon's U.S. prices are extra low right now for each one of my books so snap them up for the crafters on your gift list or perhaps treat yourself. 
cover of The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry, a project based paper craft book

A couple more bits of goodness... a totally random find that made me smile is this printable holiday card from DottieandCaro. Truer words were never spoken!

navy blue holiday card with toilet paper roll tree displayed on wooden background with greenery


And lastly, Rachel Hazell, aka The Travelling Bookbinder, has a new online course called WrapLove that sounds like a lovely way to spend some creative time. She describes it this way:


Make present giving extra special this year by creating beautiful handmade parcels with the WrapLove ecourse. Using materials you have at home, thoughtful and simple techniques transform your wrapping into memorable, gorgeous creations. Experts will guide you via videos in creating quirky individual papers and a most elegant box, made to suit every occasion. Lose yourself in colourful patterns and joyful shapes in this lighthearted course, suitable for all levels.


Book for instant lifetime access to WrapLove or give the course as a gift this Christmas.


beautifully wrapped gifts surrounded by white lights and greenery


All Things Paper is an Amazon, AWIN (Etsy), and Wraplove affiliate. 

If you make a purchase, I will receive a 

tiny commission at no additional cost to you.


Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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