The Paper Year: A Planner, Calendar, and How-To Craft Book

From paper artist Helen Hiebert, here's a gift idea for those on your holiday list (yourself included :)) who would enjoy making a very cool paper craft project each month. The Paper Year is not only a how-to book [no longer available], but also a calendar and planner... a crafting trifecta!
cover of The Paper Year, a 2020 creative project planner showing twelve paper craft projects

In Helen's own words: The Paper Year is a creative project planner featuring 12 paper projects + an optional custom paper pack with everything you need to create the projects. This makes a great gift, and you'll receive discounts on multiples. Who wouldn't like a fun gift?

Paper Year Trailer from Helen Hiebert on Vimeo.

Learn to make clever paper lanterns, handmade paper, and special cards using origami, pop-up construction, paper weaving, and more. Along with easy-to-follow instructions and photos, there is a list of materials and tools needed to complete each project (the majority of which you already have on hand), plus templates and a monthly planner page where you can jot down notes and paste paper samples.

example page layout of a monthly planner, calendar, and how-to craft book, The Paper Year

The twelve new projects include seven Helen-originals and five by guest artists, and are small and doable. Each one takes about a half hour to complete. You'll find an online resource list of the required supplies and downloadable templates to print onto your papers, in addition to the pre-printed templates that are included with the actual book.

optional specialty papers and supplies accompany The Paper Year, a how-to papercraft book

To make it especially easy to get started crafting right away, the Deluxe Package (contents shown above) offers a copy of The Paper Year and a collection of specialty papers that Helen has gathered from around the world, along with items you might not have, like a battery-operated tea light for the paper lanterns.

If you would like to see the projects up close and personal along with tips and chuckles, have a look at Elissa Campbell's Instagram feed, as she recently documented the making of each one.

And now a U.S. GIVEAWAY! [the giveaway has ended]

Helen will be sending The Paper Year to two U.S. winners. This same giveaway is underway via All Things Paper on Instagram. Yes, you may enter both places to double your chances.
To enter here on the blog, simply leave a comment below... easy peasy.

The winners will be chosen from blog and Instagram entries via a random number generator on Sunday, December 8 and announced at the bottom of this post and in the Instagram giveaway photo comments section. It is just as quick to enter over there - I know that every minute is precious, especially during this time of year!

Note that the giveaway policy has changed: It is no longer necessary to include your email address within your comment. If you choose not to include it, be sure to check back to see if you've won after December 8. You will have two weeks to claim your prize by emailing me, ann.b.martin at gmail dot com, before December 22, 2019.

Lynn Reuhlmann on the blog and ladylegasus1 on Instagram.

This giveaway is sponsored by Helen Hiebert Studio

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

This is a short biography of the post author and you can replace it with your own biography.