Longwood Gardens Display Features Magical Paper Ribbons

This photo is a scene from the Fern Floor at nearby Longwood Gardens in southeastern Pennslylvania. I haven't had a chance to visit the holiday display this season, but would especially love to see these massive ribbon coils that flow so gracefully from the enormous tree.

large space decorated with tall Christmas tree, ribbons, ornaments, and greenery
photo by Hank Davis

Via the Longwood blog post, Tale of Three Ribbons, I read that they were constructed by bending poplar and mahogany wood, and then were covered on all sides with gilded, textured wallpaper... you knew I'd work paper into the post somewhere. :) The fabric and materials-covered red, silver, and gold ornaments are actually exercise balls.

I wish you a wonderful, festive season and thank you
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Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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