BookLove E-Course - Jumpstart Your Imagination

Love reading and making, designing and writing? Then look into signing up for Rachel Hazell's BookLove, an enjoyable e-course in which you'll explore bookmaking and bringing your own words to life. If Rachel's name sounds familiar, perhaps you're thinking of her gorgeous book Bound that was released last autumn.

handmade book with ribbon binding and bookmaking supplies

Let BookLove be a gift to yourself - your first passion project of 2019. You’ll choose the paper, the content, the words and design. With Rachel as your guide, inspiration will flow as you learn to beautifully bind your story.

once upon a time written on blank page as a handmade book is begun

Grow your repertoire of techniques as the class unfolds over two full weeks beginning January 14 and continue to make book art throughout the year.

bookmaking supplies and handmade accordion book

Rachel Hazell's twenty years of teaching experience and enthusiasm provide a wealth of exercises and instruction so you can dive into fresh ideas and new ways of working.

This captivating video is just a small taste of Rachel's engaging guidance and palpable enthusiasm that you'll absorb during the course. (Actually, I love all of The Travelling Bookbinder's videos... well worth watching.)

9 images that convey the tone and mood of BookLove e-course

Book your spot in BookLove before the 14th of January using the code NEWWAYS and receive 10% discount on the course price.

flat lay of ten bookmaking tools
This post is sponsored by The Travelling Bookbinder.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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