Quilled Paper Jewelry Featured in UPPERCASE Magazine

Are you familiar with UPPERCASE magazine? It's a beauty! Produced independently in Canada by Janine Vangool, its purpose is to "spark the imagination and inspire creativity." Happily, it is an ads-free publication (a rare feat in this day and age), supported by its readers.

Vintage metal containers on cover of Uppercase magazine, Issue 38

Back in April, I learned that Janine was planning an article for an upcoming issue about gold, metals, rust, and patina. Thinking my metallic-edge paper jewelry might be a good fit and hoping that she would be interested in introducing subscribers to the niche art of making quilled jewelry, I gathered a few photos from my newest book, The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry, and shot them across the continent to Calgary.
Uppercase magazine page featuring artistic metal projects and jewellery

I'm delighted that the Deconstructed Flower Necklace is included in the July/August/September 2018 magazine that, in addition to celebrating containers, features projects that employ gold and other metals.

 Uppercase magazine page featuring quilled necklace

As Janine says, A little gilding and gold leaf can elevate something simple into the exquisite! I completely agree and appreciate the small, but special touch of gold foil accents on the issue's cover.

Cover of Uppercase magazine Issue 38 surrounded by vintage metal containers

UPPERCASE is the kind of magazine you won't even consider sending to the recycling bin after you've read it!

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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