40 Inspiring Examples of Paper Quilling
Here we go with a round up of the many - and I mean MANY - wonderful examples of paper quilling that have been shown on All Things Paper over the past nine years. Not all of them, however, because there's a staggering number of quilling posts. Does that mean I sway toward what I know and love? Definitely, and for that I make no apologies... hopefully we all have a chance to do what interests us!
Click the artist's name under each photo to see the original post where you will find more of that person's work in most cases. The images shown here are arranged in a completely random order and a few of the artists have been featured on various occasions. By the way, my quilled designs are not included... perhaps I'll round them up at a later date.
Want to see even more quilling? You'll find many examples on my Pinterest boards and also via
Facebook groups such as Contemporary Quilling where quillers
consistently post an amazing array of beautiful work.
Click the artist's name under each photo to see the original post where you will find more of that person's work in most cases. The images shown here are arranged in a completely random order and a few of the artists have been featured on various occasions. By the way, my quilled designs are not included... perhaps I'll round them up at a later date.
More round ups in this series - peruse and pin to your heart's content: