More Quilled Jewelry Made by Others from The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry

Oh boy, do I enjoy finding messages in my inbox about projects made by others from The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry! I have new photos to show you today and exciting news about a brand new type of quilling paper that I can't wait to use for more jewelry designs.

Quilled Teardrop Scroll Paper Earrings

Cecelia Louie of Etsy shop Paper Zen made the Teardrop Scroll Earrings. She didn't have metallic-edge paper on hand so improvised gilding with a stamp pad... the result is fabulous, proving there is an alternative to relying on specialty paper strips. Learn how Cecelia made the paper shine over on her blog, Paper Zen, where she also gives ingenious tips to achieve the best effect.

Quilled Teardrop Scroll Paper Earrings - Stamp Pad Gilding 

You might have seen this photo of an enthusiastic Stacy Bettencourt in my most recent newsletter (sign up for future issues here). She made the Deconstructed Flower Pendant and then went on to create a pair of companion earrings - brilliant! The vivid metallic-edge paper looks so pretty with her blue eyes.

Quilled Deconstructed Flower Necklace and Earrings

Meredith Amand transformed the silver Wallflower Wreath Pendant into a metallic brooch using a lovely bronze paper. She reviewed the book on her blog, The Papery Craftery, and shared this photo of her brooch placed on the actual book page. This is one of the most time-consuming projects of the twenty necklace and earring designs, so Meredith gets an extra round of applause for taking it on!

Quilled Wallflower Paper Brooch

Diane Crane of JJ Quilling Design who produces the metallic-edge quilling papers I used to make all of the book's projects sent over this photo of the Loops and Leaves Pendant that she created using.... are you ready for this?... ivory strips with a rose gold-edge. Yes, so exciting.... a brand new type of metallic-edge strip for paper jewelry makers! The golden shine truly has a pink cast, just like the real thing.

Quilled Loops and Leaves Pendant from The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry

On a whim while designing the projects more than a year ago, I emailed Diane to ask if she had considered stocking rose gold edge strips since rose gold was becoming such a popular metal in the jewelry world. The seed was planted because the paper of my dreams is now a reality! She was able to track down a supply of foil and the first batch of ivory with a rose gold edge has just been produced. 


There are several other new colors of edged paper as well.. see them in a recent issue of the JJ Quilling Design newsletter and also read about receiving a bonus pack of metallic edge paper when you order of The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry. [EDIT: As of 2022, Diane's company has been sold, however, Quilled Creations now sells metallic edge quilling strips.]

If you are seeing this post before 6 PM EST Monday, October 23, there's still time to enter to win a copy of The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry via The Beading Gem. [ENDED] Pearl and I go way back in the blogging world... in fact, she featured my golden sea creature pendants which were some of the first quilled jewelry pieces I made, and it was very kind of her to review the book.

Allow me to share this comment that was entered on Pearl's post:

"When I first started reading I was thinking - oh yeah - quilling. As I scrolled down and looked at each piece I was bowled over by the incredible beauty and detail and I could envision wearing them and being incredibly proud - waiting for people to notice...know what I mean?"

These words were especially heartwarming because the entire time I was working on the book, my intent was to create designs that would lead paper crafters and jewelry artists to open their minds to the idea of using quilling strips as a jewelry-making material.

More big news! A giveaway [ENDED] on All Free Paper Crafts includes The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry and four(!) packages of JJ Quilling Design metallic-edge quilling paper and a Quilled Creations Savvy Slotted Quilling Tool! The papers and tool are generously provided by Quilling Supply. The giveaway runs through November 5, 2017.

The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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