The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry - eBook Release and Pre-order

Just a quick post during a holiday weekend here in the U.S. to tell you that the eBook version of my newest book for Interweave, The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry, is now available. The print version will be released everywhere books are sold on September 6. It can be ordered via Amazon. I hope you'll like making the projects as much as I enjoyed creating modern designs for necklaces and earrings.

The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry book

If the pendant on the cover looks vaguely familiar, you might be remembering it from a previous post... it was one of my pieces that was included in a paper art exhibit at New Jersey's Morris Museum. At the time, I received questions about how I thickened and curved the paper so smoothly and now, thanks to the book's step-by-step illustrated instructions, you'll learn my technique.

The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry - Back Cover

There are so many reasons to love quilled jewelry... it's surprisingly durable, lightweight and comfortable to wear, and perhaps best of all, always gets people talking... "Paper! How can that possibly be paper?"

And now back to our regularly scheduled barbeques and fireworks. :) If you celebrate the 4th of July, have a happy one, and to all a great week!


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Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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