UK Craft Magazine Features Quilling

Last summer I was contacted by the editor of a new UK craft magazine who asked if she might publish photos of my quilling in an upcoming issue and would I also answer interview questions. I agreed, sent over what was needed and believe it or not, completely forgot about it.... in my defense, the wedding happened about the same time.

Get Creative with Paper

While cleaning out my inbox a couple of weeks ago, I came across our string of messages and emailed to ask if the magazine had made it to print. Yes... last autumn! Soon after, a copy arrived in my mailbox and I snapped these photos to share with you.

Get Creative with Paper - Ann Martin Interview
(the closest I'll ever come to being a centerfold model :)

What a nice magazine! As it turns out, the entire issue is about quilling. There is information on supplies, coil and scroll instructions, and a number of step-by-step tutorials for a variety of flowers including lilies, tulips, and daffodils... just in time for Easter card making. Even the paper it is printed on is high quality, always a plus in my book.

Get Creative with Paper Quilling - FAQ with Ann Martin

In addition to my interview, there is one with the owner and designer at QuillingCard, Huong Wolf and Jenna Faden, and another with Erin Curet (Little Circles). Yulia Brodskaya (ArtYulia) and Natasha Molotkova of PaperGraphic are spotlighted too.

"Get Creative with" Quilling Spotlight - Yulia Brodskaya

Inside, you'll find loads of inspiring pictures...

Get Creative with Paper - Quilling Card Interview

...and projects to get you started. Quilling Card supplied many professionally quilled floral examples and capsule images were gathered from a number of quilling blogs. The tutorial designs are not too intimidating for beginners.

Get Creative with Paper - Quilled Lily

One more neat thing about Get Creative with [edit: no longer available] is that a specific crafting topic is covered extensively each month. The newest issue focuses on creating backgrounds. Get Creative with is published by the same team as the popular UK magazine, Making Cards (which I have seen for sale at bookstores here in the U.S.).

A question... a reader emailed me to ask if quilling suppliers sell recycled paper strips. I'm not aware of any, are you? Let us know via a comment if you have a source. True story... I attended a NAQG convention some years back where a package of quilling strips made from upcycled paper money was included in the goodie bag... it was a lovely shade of muted green, just right for foliage, supplied by Lake City Craft.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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