Incredibly Creative Origami Cupcakes

Something sweet today! The moment I came across these guilt-free cupcakes by Justina Yang, I knew they would be perfect to showcase here. I've been an admirer (and customer) of her paper art for the past several years, ever since the opening of Etsy shop Fiber Lab. Justina is always whipping up something clever... you might remember her astonishing paper croissant, PANCAKE maps, and now these remarkable cupcakes... hmm, I'm sensing a tasty trend.

Origami Paper Cupcake

Hard-pressed to pick a favorite from the collection of six frosting flavors, this imaginative cookie with a splash of milk definitely brings a smile. Each paper cupcake is oh so tasteful, though not in a typical dessert sense. Instead, they are elegant and long-lasting.

Origami Paper Cupcakes by Fiber Lab

I asked Justina to share a bit about her cupcake design process:

Well, as you may already know, I've been obsessed with making paper food for a while now - maybe it has something to do with this "logic": paper -> books -> stories -> imagination -> magical otherworld where things aren't exactly what they seem. The whole cupcake series was also prompted by a study on curved folding, which I had neglected to explore before, due to the fact that it's not as collapsible as straight edges. But to me, there is just something beautiful and whimsical about smooth lines. So I cooked up a way to present different curved folding techniques as cupcake frostings, each named after a paper product.

Origami Paper Cupcake by Fiber Lab - Classic Literature Flavor

o Love Letter: sweet with a touch of melancholy
o Classic Literature: palatable to most; explainable by few
o Blank Notebook: a flavour that pairs well with your every thought
o Wrapping Paper: cinnamon, peppermint, nutmeg, and confetti - YAY
o Ticket Stub: a flavour that is familiar and exquisite to you only
o Quarterly Magazine: flavour of the season, please inquire

Personalized Cupcake by Fiber Lab

This personalized Love Letter arrived in pristine condition. Of course it has a place of honor on my desk! Justina's degree in structural engineering assures she has packaging down to a science.

Himmeli-inspired Folded Paper Mobile by Justina Yang

I'd be remiss if I didn't share a few pics of the gorgeous folded paper hanging decorations and lighting she creates as well.

Paper Diamonds by Fiber Lab

The complete line of cupcakes and BUBBLE and RUFFLE beauties are available at Fiber Lab...

Bubble Lamp by Fiber Lab

...along with Justina's original origami bow tie, modeled here by my family's favorite pup, Otto.

Origami Bow Tie by Fiber Lab

Fiber Lab is also on Instagram and Facebook.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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