Cinderella: A Cut-Paper Book - Review

Welcome to the 75th All Things Paper giveaway! I'm finding that big number hard to believe, but of course time flies when you're having fun... introducing new things in the world of paper continues to be something I love to do.

Cinderella - A Cut-Paper Book Review and Giveaway

Artist Sarah Dennis collaborated with Tango Books Ltd, London to create a cut paper keepsake version of the beloved Cinderella fairy tale. This 52-page edition was first released in the UK in 2013 and is now making its way to the U.S. where it will be available on April 1, just in time to be a non-sugary, yet sweet addition to Easter baskets.

Cinderella: A Cut-Paper Book Review and Giveaway

Admittedly the book might not have the dazzle and dash of the new Disney movie, but it's a charmer nonetheless. I can't think of any princess-obsessed little girl who wouldn't be entranced by the softly colored illustrations and tactile cut paper pages.

Cinderella A Cut-Paper Book

The book comes encased in a special sleeve and features twenty die cuts that richly complement the storyline. While the book is recommended for ages 3-5, I'm quite sure older children and any paper cutting enthusiast would admire it as well.

Cinderella - Cut-Paper Book Review and Giveaway

IPG Trafalgar sent me a copy for this review and will also be sending Cinderella to one U.S. resident.

Just leave a comment on this post as your entry. Earn a bonus entry by following @allthingspaper on Instagram and liking the Cinderella photo.

Please be sure to include a way to be contacted within your comment. The giveaway will end on Sunday, March 22 and the winner will be announced here and on Instagram as soon as she or he has been contacted. Good luck!

Congratulations to latanya t, winner of the book!

All Things Paper is an Amazon affiliate. 

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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