Anthropologie Display Artist - Ashley Nardone

If you enjoyed the recent post about holiday decorations at Anthropologie's flagship store, I think you'll also like this sampling of window and interior displays made by artist Ashley Nardone for the Anthro store in Boca Raton, Florida.


I came across her work on Vimeo... watch as Ashley transforms ordinary corrugated cardboard into a spectacular flower.


Her design and video were used as a prototype for displays that would be created by Anthro artists in other locations around the U.S. and abroad. The store's blog noted the decor theme for the recent holidays featured a palette of red, greens, and gold with oversized flower petals and stained glass panes. 


Ashley also created marvelous animals in furry winter coats...



and an impressive book chandelier.


She is now a freelance artist, concept designer, photographer, and videographer, but enjoyed working as an Anthropologie display artist for the past two years. Here are a few more photos of  her work from other seasons. Ahhh, a taste of spring!


Ashley often hand colored the paper used in displays and told me that the process has become one of her very favorites. For the large holiday flower in the window (top of post), she created the petal colors from a natural dying process using red cabbage, berries, and fruit teas. The items were laid out on paper which she then rolled and steamed to release the colors - remarkable!


Another window display featured an aqua and yellow background with cones. White paper was spray painted, then layers and textures were added for depth.


This vegetable-filled window was primarily paper as well. Ashley dyed paper for the leaves, dip-dyed coffee filters for the cabbages, and created paper mâché eggplants and cucumbers. She also used a bleaching process to negatively tone colored paper.


You can see more images of Ashley's fab displays on her website Seldom Seamed (site no longer available). Update: Find her at DUOFAB.


And if you still haven't had your fill of Anthropologie decor, check Instagram #anthrowindows

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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