Christmas Color Palette - Pink and Green

How do you feel about stepping away from traditional Christmas colors? Instead of vivid red and green, some years I find myself leaning toward burgundy and spruce. Then again, pink and light green are a fresh alternative with a welcome hint of spring. Okay, I'm pushing things already talking about warmer weather here in the mid-Atlantic states, but in my defense it was an unheard of and very welcome 70 degrees this past weekend!


Because Christmas is celebrated at the height of summer in Australia, pastels seem especially fitting there. Licia Politis of Sydney, who is always making pretty things, was inspired by Mondocherry [edit: blog is now set to private] to cut and fold paper hearts to decorate Christmas cards and added tiny quilled coils as ornaments.


Then she made these leafy wreaths after seeing a DIY project shared by Sweet Paul Magazine.



And Licia had the idea to make tissue paper tassels as tree ornaments and also made some folded books and artichoke ornaments.


Bottle brush trees have been super popular around blogland this holiday season. Here's another take on pink and green... Casey Starks of Vitamini Handmade shows how to dip-dye the little trees, taking them from typical dark green to pink ombre and uses some as gift toppers with cute paper flag tags.


But truth be told, the main reason I love pink and green at Christmas is because I'm reminded of favorite cookies from my childhood. Mom always made Swedish cream wafers with tinted icing. My sister baked this batch for a contest at her office a few days ago and I'm hoping she saved some for us to sample on Christmas. Just two more sleeps until the big day, can you believe it?!

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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