Book Review: Origami for All - Elegant Designs from Simple Folds

I recently received the nicest email from Ioana Stoian [website no longer active], a young decorative painter, paper maker, and origami artist based in London and Strasbourg. She offered to send a review copy of her new book, Origami for All - Elegant Designs from Simple Folds [website not active].

origami for all book

Admittedly I'm more of a paper roller than a folder, but by following the clear diagrams provided by Ioana's partner, Eric Gjerde, I was able to make projects right away. Aside from an explanation of the universal language of origami diagramming, there are no text instructions. By the way, Eric is an origami tessellations artist who does beautiful work; the postcard that Ioana sent along with the book is just a small example.

origami name holder

She created sixteen original designs for the 80 page paperback, including a name holder, heart, box, penguin, party hat, cat, envelope, flower, and more. The book is compact and nicely printed on quality paper.

origami name holder heart

I especially like what I call useful origami... the place card holder and heart are perfect examples of this. Use the flat-folded heart to decorate a Valentine and dress up a table with the simple place marker. Not only is it self-supporting, but it's also reusable... just slip in a different name card each time.


Here are a couple of little two-part boxes that are helping to sort the clutter of small items in my desk drawer. (I'm rather fond of that pup paper clip. :)) I'm also planning to make the stylish brooch and cuff bracelet from beautiful specialty papers and will wear them proudly.

origami heart

Try your hand at the heart by following the diagrams provided on the book's website. The projects are suitable for ages 9 and up and would be perfect to collaborate on as family projects. With the holidays on the way, there's a wonderful pleated bat and Christmas tree.

Currently Ioana is working to promote paper folding and Origami for All via free workshops in schools and libraries.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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