Paper Maché Piglet - Kelf Kreations

Because the approaching Labor Day holiday signals the end of summer, I can't think of a better way to salute the season that always goes way too fast than by sharing this adorable flying pig. Roy Kelf of West Sussex, England made it to commemorate the birth of a great nephew, thus the bow and rattle.

paper maché pig

See lots more of Roy's paper maché work on his Facebook page, Kelf Kreations, where he often shows in-progress shots that give a good sense of the process. Aside from piglets, he has made all sorts in intricate insects such as a horned jewel beetle, butter moth, and lacewing blue dragonfly, each with incredible attention to detail.

Here's Roy sanding away on another pig... paper maché is dusty, though satisfying, work!

sanding paper maché pig

Here's looking at you, kid!

Paper Maché Piglet

One last thing, Zoe Brener emailed me to say she was inspired by the quilled jewelry projects in All Things Paper and has enjoyed making variations of both and has plans to do more... see the post on her blog, My Specialist. Nicely done, Zoe!

Enjoy the weekend!

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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