Quilled "Can I Stay?" - Lavanya Naidoo

It's been such a beautiful week here weather-wise (downright bizarre for March if you really want the truth!) that I wanted to match it with something equally bright and delightful. Lavanya Naidoo's recent project titled, "Can I Stay?" fills the bill.
White lettering surrounded by colorful quilling

You might remember a previous feature about Lavanya and her superb quilling and design skills. She told me this particular piece was created as part of a portfolio package sent to design agencies in Cape Town, South Africa. Vanna was in the process of moving there and in need of employment. The package held her resume, portfolio, and an A2 poster (roughly 17 x 24 inches - big!) of the 'Can I Stay?' artwork. Needless to say, it led to interviews... what firm could overlook the person who asked such an eye-catching question?!

Quilled "Can I Stay?"

Allow me to add one extra pic this Fab Friday... I've been reading up on photography while coming to grips with a new camera. One technique for taking excellent close shots is the use of a large sheet of white poster board to create a seamless background... essential when taking those effective angled shots and exactly what Vanna has done here.

Facebook Finds this past week included:

DIY geometric boxes
World's largest origami crane

I hope your weekend will be a good one!

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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