Origami Vellum Bouquet by Nikki Cross Applesauce

Even though our winter has been a relative breeze, I'm looking forward to seeing bright crocuses poke through the ground... meanwhile, these vellum origami flowers nicely fill the void.

Origami Vellum Flower Bouquet

Nikki Cross Applesauce is owned by Nikki and her husband, Jake. With a love of graphic design and paper, they create and cut their own beautifully translucent origami sheets. Nikki makes the blooms using traditional Japanese folds and adds in a few tricks of her own; even the stems are hand wrapped with paper. The LA-based pair also design stylish eco-cards, stationery, sketchbooks, and if you are a maker yourself, you may be happy to hear the vellum sheets are available by the dozen.

Nikki kindly offered a 10% discount to All Things Paper readers when I let her know their shop would be featured today. Coupon code is "TOTALLYRAD".

The Design and Make: Paper Jewellery book giveaway ends on Sunday. (Just had a thought... wouldn't vellum jewellery be gorgeous?!)
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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