Cardboard Home Decor - Wallpockets

There's something about a new year that makes me want to organize and put away. You too? I'm thinking these cardboard-yet-classy Wallpockets would make straightening up even more satisfying.

cardboard sculpture wallpockets on cinder block wall

While hiding away all sorts of small objects, the recycled cardboard pentagons double as modern art. Cleverly designed by Tim Karoleff for Ampersand [edit: no longer available].

Links I've posted on Facebook this past week included:

Round up of Anthropologie window and in-store displays
Behind the scenes of a quilling photoshoot (via Molly Smith)
Interesting way to add quilling to a fringed border

Remember, the giveaway for two packages of Box-Envelopes, perfect for mailing dimensional cards, ends this Sunday, January 8.

Enjoy the weekend!
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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