Laser Cut Dragonfly Wing Necklace

If pressed, I'd have to say I love necklaces most of all in the great lineup of jewelry possibilities. Rings and bracelets can sometimes get in the wearer's way, but a necklace... well, it can be put on and forgotten until a compliment is received.

I feel sure this lovely one would draw intrigued looks and questions. Perhaps it's a map or a bit of starched lace?

Dragonfly wing necklace

No, actually it's a gossamer dragonfly wing created by Amelia Cunard of VectorCloud. Usually she works with birch wood, but instead used a special water and tear resistant paper to create this intricate pendant.

Curious about laser cutting, I asked Amelia how she happened to learn the art.

I started my Etsy endeavor almost two years ago when I was pregnant with my son Noah. I had been working with a non-profit organization in the south Bronx, training teenagers to design projects using CAD programs. There I was exposed to a variety of machines, including a laser cutter. The experience opened up a new perspective of what I could do to combine my architecture/furniture design education with the desire to work independently from home.

Because of my background, I work with wood most often, but I've designed paper pop-up cards in the past and am currently exploring more ideas for paper.

I'm looking forward to Amelia's future creations. By the way, VectorCloud is also on Facebook.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone... and speaking of Facebook, here are this week's Finds:

Pretty quilled wreath with novel holly leaves
Steampunk quilling
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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