Paper Silhouettes from Le Papier Studio - Giveaway

Back in the days of yore when this blog was practically brand new, I featured Vana Chupp's lovely company, Le Papier Studio. I've always admired silhouettes and have to say Vana has found more ways to present them than I could ever have imagined. Art prints, stationery, jewelry, ornaments, pillows, plates... and that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Le Papier Studio silhouette plate

Le Papier Studio cufflinks

In keeping with our paper theme around here, Vana is offering a generous, worldwide giveaway that features her elegant 2012 wall calendar and a set of personalized holiday cards.

Le Papier Studio card

Le Papier Studio 2012 Wall Calendar

Le Papier Studio calendar

Le Papier Studio card

Another thing that Vana has done beautifully is create a kit for Chronicle Books that's titled Silhouette Art - Papers, Instructions, and Patterns for Making Modern Heirlooms. [no longer available] It details the way Vana makes her lovely silhouettes using a photograph as a guide, and includes paper supplies for you to do the same. With a bit of practice, you'll be able to "transform the apples of your eye into artistic heirlooms."

Le Papier Studio calendar

Now back to the giveaway... To clarify, two winners worldwide will be selected at random and each person will receive both the calendar and a dozen cards. The cards include the option of customization using your very own photograph. To enter, please visit Le Papier Studio and then return to this post to name your favorite item in the shop. Be sure to include your email address within your comment if you don't have a blog or website where your address is readily available. I will need it to notify you if you are one of the lucky winners.

Le Papier Studio card

The giveaway will close at the end of Saturday, the 19th. Winners will be announced on this post and on the All Things Paper Facebook page the next day. Good luck!

Please note: I've not received compensation in any form from Le Papier Studio in exchange for doing this giveaway.

Drumroll, please... and the winners are:

Congratulations to Maureen and Jan Castle! They've been notified by email. Thanks very much for entering everyone, and take heart if you didn't win this giveaway as there will be a couple more coming up before the holidays!
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

This is a short biography of the post author and you can replace it with your own biography.