Quilling by UsoKei (formerly Iron-Maiden-Art)

You may have noticed some distinctive quilled designs that have been Stumbling and Tumbling around the internet like wildfire in recent months - a multicolored fish, butterfly, and hand print, for example.

Quilled Autumn
Autumn, Uso-Kei

The creator is talented Katherine Usowa from Ukraine, who goes by the name UsoKei on Deviant Art. I marvel at each one of her seasonal designs, so it was a toss up deciding which example to show... Summer or Autumn? Autumn or Summer? Looking forward wins!

Katherine includes so many details in her art pieces and uses the same color palette effectively each time. She doesn't roll typical quilled shapes, but instead works mainly with slightly curved, linear strips that have a coil just at the tip. If you're interested in learning to quill in Katherine's signature style, she's designed a birthday card kit for Lake City Craft Company.
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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