Totally Unique Paper Eyelashes

About a year or so ago, I remember seeing photos of a fashion show in which the runway models were wearing the most astonishing eyelashes that looked just like paper cuttings.

Paper eyelashes
Deer and Butterfly

Guess what? They were indeed paper cuttings, but now you don't have to be a model to own them! Currently seen sweeping design, fashion, and even bridal websites, the concept of the eyelashes was created by Taiwanese designer, Ting yu Wang of Paperself [site no longer available]. They're also available from nonesuch things of London [site no longer available], which sells cool and quirky independently designed items.

Paper eyelashes

Inspired by artful Chinese paper cuttings, the eyelashes look extremely delicate, but are said to be durable enough to be worn again and again.

Paper eyelashes
Under the Sea

I'm not sure I would have the occasion to wear them, but it's fun to dream... perhaps New Year's Eve, a costume party, or Mardi Gras?!

Paper eyelashes

nonesuch things is also on Facebook [edit: no longer available].

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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