Air Vases from Upon a Fold
I've been eying the lovely Australian paper shop, Upon a Fold (edit: site has closed), ever since it opened just over a year ago. Owners/graphic designers, Justine and Matt, traveled to Japan last June. It's no surprise then, considering Japan's flair for beautiful paper goods, that many of Upon A Fold's products are imported from there.

Case in point... these collapsible, reversible, and fabulous paper Air Vases. Designed by Torafu Architects, not only do they look like a ton-o'-fun to shape (here's a must-see little video), they can also be stamped with ink to make a colorful statement.

Case in point... these collapsible, reversible, and fabulous paper Air Vases. Designed by Torafu Architects, not only do they look like a ton-o'-fun to shape (here's a must-see little video), they can also be stamped with ink to make a colorful statement.