Fringed Flower Pendant Lamp
Are you familiar with Young House Love? Until a couple of months ago I wasn't, but since then I've been enjoying following along with the lives and home decor projects of the young couple who are in love with one another and their new-to-them house. Utterly adorable, and engaging writers to boot, John and Sherry have managed to turn a blogging venture into full-time jobs. They spend their days doing things the rest of us might cram into weekends, photographing each step of the process, and then writing about it all in an appealing manner.
You know me... always on the lookout for a reason to tell you about sites I enjoy. Needless to say I was thrilled when John regaled readers last week with the story of selecting, installing, and making peace with a pretty incredible light fixture for their bedroom ceiling.
Guess what? It's made of paper! Lots and lots of fringed flowers come packed in little boxes so the petals will be curved in just the right shape on arrival - how smart of the folks at IKEA. Yes, IKEA! This is one cool paper project you don't have to make from scratch.
Read more about the assembly and hanging of the lamp (actually much more... John and Sherry are all about details!) here.