Paper Jewelry from Cartessenza

Emanuela Mae Agrini left a comment here at all things paper recently. Ever the curious sort, I clicked on her name and was happy to be greeted with a variety of appealing, contemporary jewelry at her site, Cartessenza. Mae is a paper artist from the seaside city, Genova, in Italy. She works primarily with paper mache and recycled materials.

Her pieces are bold and strong with a rich color palette. Mae adds bits of string, metal, or buttons to create a relief, and coats the surface with acrylic paint and then resin, resulting in a shiny finish. Mae tells me she especially enjoys the medium of paper mache and thinks it's one of the most interesting techniques she's tried. Not only does it allow her to express her creativity, but by combining it with the reuse of objects, she's contributing to a cleaner world.These purposeful stick figures on a mission make me smile. Mae draws inspiration from primary and primitive art forms, having studied archeology and ancient history.

Lovely rustic broochesA brilliant ring Mae says the use of metallic colors brings an atmosphere of mystery to her paper jewelry. I have to agree!

Visit her Flickr stream and blog to see more examples of Mae's creative work.
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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