Quilled Gift Card Envelopes
Last Christmas I hung this pair of quilled envelopes on the tree for our little nephews to spy. Since there's no shortage of wrapped packages for the boys to open (doting grandparents, you know) it seemed like a good idea to give them something to spend later on. And believe it or not, they slowed their frantic unwrapping for a moment to look them over. I'm pretty sure it was the big, shiny eyes that grabbed their attention, but hey, perhaps they noticed the quilling too.

The reindeer was a CardMaker Magazine design by Alli Bartkowski (Quilled Creations) and I had spotted a roll of Christmas gift wrap with cute graphics that led to the snowman. I'm happy to say my non-crafty, but thoughtful sister-in-law put the envelopes aside instead of tossing them out with the rest of the wrappings and bows. Perhaps she wonders why I spend my time on such foolishness, but that's okay. I'm sure all of you maker-folks understand.

The reindeer was a CardMaker Magazine design by Alli Bartkowski (Quilled Creations) and I had spotted a roll of Christmas gift wrap with cute graphics that led to the snowman. I'm happy to say my non-crafty, but thoughtful sister-in-law put the envelopes aside instead of tossing them out with the rest of the wrappings and bows. Perhaps she wonders why I spend my time on such foolishness, but that's okay. I'm sure all of you maker-folks understand.