Paper Cut Cards by Crafterall and Handmade Eco Paper by Green Post

Minnesota's Marnie Karger and Florida's Kendra Zvonik have joined a basic aspect of their paper crafting businesses into a brilliant pairing... what Marnie generates in abundance, Kendra reuses.

Let me start at the beginning... Marnie makes topographic maps as wall art, and also hand-cut greeting cards. She calls them fictional landscapes, inspired by Minnesota's many lakes. A practiced, steady grip on a craft knife brings about perfectly layered, swirled designs of soothing colors.

Crafterall topography
Crafterall handmade cards - Topography

Crafterall - Many Layered Topographic

I find the fresh, spare style of her designs so appealing.

Crafterall - Mod Ornaments

Crafterall - Retro Poppies

Crafterall - Falling Leaves

Ah, but all the cutting generates SO many small scraps... what to do?

Luckily what began as a friendship via Etsy, blossomed into a collaboration when Marnie (Crafterall) asked Kendra (Green Post) if she would be able to make notecards for her (Marnie) to send out with orders, by using the never-ending supply of richly colored cardstock pieces her craft knife leaves behind.

Happily Kendra loved the idea and it turned out to be a match made in heaven.

Green Post wildflower seed gift tags - Plantables
Green Post - After Craft paper sheets

Kendra, an eco paper crafter and abstract painter, is always in need of a steady supply of junk mail, hang tags, receipts, and yes, Marnie's scraps, to make a varied line of earth friendly paper products. Her skill turns what would otherwise be sent to the recycling center into something beautiful and useful.

Green Post magnets -Terra Firma Cubes

Kendra makes paper pulp from the colored bits and then forms it into After Craft paper sheets, plantable gift tags and magnets, (lovely little party/wedding favors) and even a tough board-like material she calls Eco-Art Panels, an ecological substitute for usual drawing/painting surfaces.

Green Post - Eco-Art Panels
Green Post - Holiday Eco Ornaments

Marnie and Kendra enthusiastically say they're fueled by one another's creative energy and each is a genuine supporter of the other. Rather than exchanging money, they exchange paper, and in turn their businesses are advertised - pretty smart!
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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