Paper Bead Jewelry and Altered Book Art by Heather Eddy

Some people are just so clever! Librarian by day and art maker by night, Heather of the Etsy shop Rhymes with Magic [no longer open] and the blog, Heather Eddy Art, is one cool paper artist. Not only does she sell a line of beautifully constructed paper bead jewelry, each piece featuring a nifty, book-related saying...

book-themed paper bead jewelry Ha! Love it.
  Drink in Words (Latin)
  Stranger Than Fiction

Accidental Librarian

...but now she has devised custom book art.

I'd been reading along as Heather blogged about her experiments in book origami. Since she was already able to fold aged book pages into wonderful wall art patterns..
I never doubted for a moment that she would be able to work out a way of completing the full alphabet.

And now that she can make each and every letter, send Heather the word or name of your choice and she'll turn an unloved, 'rescued' book into a personalized art statement.

A few more of Heather's paper and book-related works - ornaments and even a play on the pocketbook... she's an endless well of creativity, that one.

black and cream paper ornament
altered book pocketbook
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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