Award-winning Paper and Cardboard Dress - Terisa Brooks-Huddleston
This fabulous Earth party dress was named a winner in the CraftStylish Crafty By Nature contest! The entries had to be eco-friendly - any combination of recycled materials and/or items from nature. Terisa Brooks-Huddleston's sculptural design certainly fills the bill.

It's made from recycled tissue, cardboard, and packing supplies. To see lots more of Terisa's inspired textile art, visit her blog, Running with Scissors [edit: no longer available]. There's much to see and her hilarious sense of humor just might make your day.

It's made from recycled tissue, cardboard, and packing supplies. To see lots more of Terisa's inspired textile art, visit her blog, Running with Scissors [edit: no longer available]. There's much to see and her hilarious sense of humor just might make your day.