Paper Quilling Inspired by Provencal Fabric

Here's a foot loose and fancy free design I came up with that makes me think of summer days in sunny Provence... not that I've visited there yet, but a girl can dream.Provencal quilled cardThe filigree design of shaped wheatears, coils, and alternate side looping was drawn from the patterned background. The paper started out as a fabric sample I admired on a French website. I printed it out and added the glossy blue cardstock strips that were cut from the cover of a catalog. And so, I repeat my mantra.... you never know where or when you'll come across design inspiration and project-useful paper supplies.

And hear ye, hear ye... don't forget about my Blog Candy contest! No matter where you are in the world, there's still time to try your hand at quilling a king and/or queen based (loosely, or not) on the ones featured on the new U.S. stamps. To enter, email a jpeg of your design to ann.b.martin at by May 31st.
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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