Quilling Exhibit at Brandywine River Museum of Art

A year ago this weekend I had the pleasure of attending the opening of a solo exhibit of my paper filigree work at the Brandywine River Museum of Art in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. Well... not entirely true... yes, it was all my work except for two uniquely beautiful antique tea caddies from the 1780s. They had been quilled by unknown makers and were in excellent condition. 

antique quilled tea caddies

Aren't they something to see?! Such vivid color after all this time and the intricate design is pretty incredible. Their presence lent an important historical perspective to the display and the detail of the workmanship makes today's filigree style appear minimalistic in comparison.

I'll long remember stepping off the elevator that evening and seeing the professional display cases and signage as arranged by the curator. What a thrill!

quilling exhibit - Brandywine River Museum of Artquilling exhibit - Brandywine River Museum of Art

But the best part of all was talking to the museum patrons about what I do - most had never heard of paper filigree, much less seen examples of the art. I exhibited twenty three framed pieces, objects, and gilded jewelry and promise to share pictures of individual pieces included in the show in future posts.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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