Modern Paper Jewelry - Francesca Vitali of Frucci Design

Frucci Design's Francesca Vitali [edit: updated link] might start with humble paper to make one of her jewelry art objects, but the finished result is far from ordinary. A biochemist and artist, she's currently exhibiting at New York City's Aaron Faber Gallery in an exhibit titled Cut, Fold, Stitch: Paper/Metal. Take a look at the beautiful pieces she's created for the show.

Francesca uses colorful shopping bags, college catalogs, old maps, and magazines that her friends save for her - she's even been known to make brooches from brown paper bags from Trader Joe's. Although it's very hard to pick a favorite, this sterling silver bangle from her Etsy shop [edit: not active] caught my eye. The little squares are made from paper strips that she folds over and over.

This necklace is another piece I love - it brings to mind pretty packages tied up with string.

Francesca's Be the Protagonist line is clever. Using your photo and favorite color, she'll create a personalized, hand folded necklace pendant.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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