33 Favorite Origami and Paper Folding Examples

Here's a grand round up of inspiring origami and folded paper art and paper crafts that have been featured on All Things Paper. Some of these examples can be made thanks to tutorials provided by the makers, some can be purchased directly from the artists to be displayed or worn, while others simply are to be admired. Lots of pretty pics ahead!

Triangular Folded Paper Boxes
Paste paper triangular favor boxes by Candy Wooding

Origami Batman
Paper Heroes included Yara Yagi's Batman

Origami Flowers in Folded Paper Vase
Origami Flowers and Vases by Nicole Lopez Menendez of NLM Origami Passion

Origami Leaf Boutonnieres

Folded Paper Necklace
Origami Vases
Origami Vases by Helle Holst of Stjernestunder

Origami Floral Headpiece
 Wearable origami fashion by Papel (Paper)

3D Printed Origami Deer Necklace
Origami-themed jewelry by Gavin Canning of Etsy shop FoldIT Creations

Origami Rocket
Origami illustrations by Wenche Lise Fossland

Origami Cupcake
Folded paper cupcakes by Justina Yang of Etsy shop FiberStore

Origami Necklace
Origami jewelry by Renata Mayumi of Etsy shop Mayumi Origami

Beautiful Origami Flowers How-to Book

Origami Ornaments
Origami ornaments by Lisa Marie Andersson of Up the Wooden Hills

Neon Woven Paper Brooches
Modern folded and woven paper jewelry by Francesca Vitali

Folded Paper Bags Tutorial
Debra Glanz of Etsy shop The Paper Assembly shares a free template to make folded bags and boxes

Origami Bunny Basket Tutorial
Elegant paper crafts to make for Easter includes these bunny boxes

Folded Paper Lamp
Faceted paper lamp by Allison Patrick of Etsy shop Aster + Quail

Kirigami Cuttings
Kirigami templates by Marisa Edghill of Omiyage

Pleated Origami Vase
Pleated origami by Rebecca Gieseking

Folded Paper Star Tutorials
Round up of folded paper star tutorials

Folded Paper Mobile
Origami Bonsai Flower with Leaves
Origami bonsai by Benjamin John Coleman

Origami Rose Ring
Origami jewelry and home decor by Raya Sader Bujana of Etsy shop Little Ray of Sunflower

Origami Ball Necklace
 Folded bead necklace by Phiona Richards

Origami Ceiling Roses
Origami ceiling roses by Studio Snowpuppe

Origami Nautilus
Origami nautilus by Hilli Zenz

Folded Paper Lucky Stars
Folded paper stars tutorial by Cecelia Louie of Etsy shop Paper Zen

Miniature Origami Beetle
Miniature origami by Gill Pyke of Etsy shop Catmation

Tessellated Vase
Tessellated origami by Ilan Garibi of Etsy shop Garibi Origami
Origami Mosaic
Origami mosaics by Kota Hiratsuta

Gigantic Origami Dinosaur
Giant-size origami by Himanshu Agrawal

Origami Stars
Folded paper star ornament

More round ups in this series - peruse and pin to your heart's content:

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Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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