24 Altered Books, Folded Books, and Paper Sculptures Made from Books

Today's round up features an inspiring array of altered books, folded books, and paper sculptures made from book pages and text on paper. Click the links under the photos (not the photos themselves) to learn about the artists and to see more of their work.

paper mache dog sculptures by Lorraine Corrigan
recycled book sculpture
book sculpture installation

book art assemblage

altered book sculpture

 altered book sculpture
 book page lamp

altered book sculpture

altered book sculpture by Veska Abad

folded book sculptures

mirrored altered book sculpture by Bronia Sawyer

altered book sculpture at Shelburne Museum

Edinburgh's mysterious altered book sculpture

altered book carving

book page paper sculpture of mushrooms and ferns

book page origami stars

folded book sculptures by Clara Maffei

folded book sculpture ornaments
(includes link to geometric folded book patterns)

altered book centerpiece display

Because I've been blogging since 2009, there are many All Things Paper posts (nearly 1100!) that have become buried with time, yet still include tons of useful information for the paper art/paper craft buff. Thus I've assembled this round up series to bring perhaps new-to-you content to the light of day.

40 Remarkable Paper Cutting Examples

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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