The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry - Book Release!

Lo and behold, The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry is here! Yes, it arrived a few weeks early and is now available wherever books are sold. Whether you are a long-time quiller or have had it in mind to give paper shaping a try, you'll find inspiring projects to launch you on the path of creating gift-worthy necklaces and earrings.

The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry cover

The modern designs range from quick and easy to those that aren't difficult, but simply more time-consuming (once you have learned the technique and practiced for a bit). Most of the projects can be made in an evening... my favorite kind. How nice is it to wake up the next morning knowing you have something new and pretty to wear that day?!

Golden Scroll Earrings from The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry
Golden Scroll Earrings

I've said this before, but there are so many reasons to love quilled jewelry... it's surprisingly lightweight, yet durable, not to mention a guaranteed attention-getter. If you're ever at a loss for something to talk about when meeting someone new, just wear a piece of quilled jewelry and ask if the person can guess what it's made of... works like a charm to get conversation flowing!

The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry Project Examples

Here I've placed the back covergirl pieces next to their images so you'll have a good idea of the size and shine. All of the projects were made with metallic-edge paper because it truly makes quilled jewelry look like metal. However, plain quilling paper looks great too, and comes in every color of the rainbow. Each project includes a Materials and Tools list, detailed step-by-step instructions with excellent illustrations, a beautiful close-up photograph, and finished size measurements so you'll know exactly what to expect before getting started.

Classic Filigree Quilled Pendant, The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry Book
Classic Filigree Pendant

To purchase the book, visit your favorite bookstore... if it isn't in the Craft - Jewelry section, ask them to order it for you. You'll find it online at Amazon. Also check your local library... if they don't have it, they will often be happy to get it for you.

Blue Bubbles Quilled Pendant from The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry book
Blue Bubbles Pendant

I'm already starting to see photos of jewelry that people have made from the book - so much fun! If you'd like to email me pics of quilled jewelry that you create - either projects from the book or inspired by them - please do. My address is I'm sure I'll be sharing at least some of the photos in an upcoming post.

The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry - Abstract Flower Pendant Bonus Project

To go along with the book release, I designed a bonus project, Abstract Flower Pendant, that you'll find on the Interweave blog. Like all of the book's projects, it includes detailed, illustrated instructions to give you a taste of the twenty designs you'll find within the book's 144 pages. There's also a PDF download to print out and easily refer to while you quill.

Quilled Abstract Flower Pendant

I created the example with silver-edge moss green strips that were manufactured by JJ Quilling Design in England (now closed). This type of strip was available in a variety of colors with a fine line of shiny silver, gold, or copper applied along one edge. Happily, metallic edge strips are now available in the U.S. from Quilled Creations.


Quilled Abstract Flower Pendant
Free Bonus Project - Abstract Flower Pendant

And now the U.S. giveaway [ENDED]: Two winners will each receive a signed copy of The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry. To enter on this blog post, simply leave a comment in which you mention what it is you like best about quilling and/or jewelry making. Note that Blogger does not allow me to see the email address you type into the form with your name, so you must include an email address within your comment so I can contact you if you win. If spam is a concern, type your address like this: janedoe at gmail dot com

A separate, but identical giveaway is underway on Instagram [ENDED]. You may enter both places to double your chances by the end of Saturday, September 2, 2017. A total of four winners will be chosen at random from all entries, notified, and announced here and on Instagram. Good luck!

Congratulations to the giveaway winners, Stoney Creek Arts and Kristie Hendon! Thank you all for your enthusiastic entries. If you're on the fence about whether you should try quilling, have a browse through the comments... you just might be persuaded what a great hobby it is!

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Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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