Anthropologie Windows Feature Quilling and Paper Flowers - Spring 2017

So what if we're in the midst of a windy snow day here in Delaware? I'm thinking spring thoughts, thanks to quilled flower displays that are blooming in Anthropologie store windows.

Anthropologie Window Quilling - Carmel Plaza, Carmel-By-The-Sea, California - Detail
Carmel Plaza, Carmel-By-The-Sea, California 
Detail photo: Aspen Vo

This beauty was shot by Aspen Vo, a display coordinator at the Carmel-By-The-Sea location, and shows an impressive combination of rolled tight coils, fringed flowers, and linear quilling that resembles quilled teardrops as leaves. Aspen told me her window elements are composed of chipboard, and she used wire and floral tape to install the individual pieces onto a base structure made from a bent electrical conduit pipe. Such creativity!

Anthropologie Window Quilling - Carmel Plaza, Carmel-By-The-Sea, California
Carmel Plaza, Carmel-By-The-Sea, California
photo: Aspen Vo

I follow Helen Hiebert on Instagram and a photo she posted of this Palo Alto window launched my internet journey to find other Anthropologie quilling examples around the country. Store artists are given a common theme each season and go from there. As evidenced by these pics, none are exactly the same and all are remarkable.

Anthropologie Window Quilling - Palo Alto, California
Palo Alto, California 
photo: Helen Hieber

Those of us who are familiar with traditional quilled shapes will recognize quite a few. I'm impressed - the designers clearly did their homework. Just look past the glass reflections to enjoy the details.

Anthropologie Window Quilling and Paper Flowers - Houston, Texas
 Highland Village, Houston, Texas 
photo: Nina Lapshina (@queenninamaximova)

Anthropologie Window Paper Flowers  - Highland Park, Illinois
Highland Park, Illinois  - detail
photo: @anthro_highlandparkil

To be perfectly honest, I can't say with conviction that all of the quilling was done with paper. After all, roofing strips have been used in the past, but no matter, it's fantastic to see the precise attention that has been paid to quilling techniques. 

Anthropologie Window Quilling - Burlington, Massachusetts 
 Burlington, Massachusetts 
photo: @anthro_burlington

Anthropologie Window Quilling - Burlington, Massachusetts - Detail
Burlington, Massachusetts - detail 
photo by @anthro_burlington

Have a look at the Instagram #anthrowindows tag where more photos are popping up daily, as well as Anthropologie Facebook photo albums to see many more examples of current windows and decor from past seasons.

Anthropologie Window Paper Flowers - Chelsea Market, New York
Chelsea Market, New York 
photo: Paola Gutiérrez (@lacocoboheme)
[edit: these flowers are made of wood!]

And needless to say, get thee to the closest store this weekend to see its particular quilling style in person - that's what I plan to do! If you find some beauties, I'd love it if you would link to them in the comments or send them to me to post.

Anthropologie Window Quilling - Greensboro, North Carolina
Greensboro, North Carolina 
photo: @anthropologie

Anthropologie holiday windows were featured on the blog previously, along with past Anthropologie spring windows, quilled Anthropologie store windows, and Anthropologie paper cut windows.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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