A Visit to Pulp Culture - Morris Museum

Last week I attended the Pulp Culture: Paper is the Medium Meet the Artists evening at Morris Museum in Morristown, New Jersey where three of my metallic paper pendants are on display.

Pulp Culture: Paper is the Medium Exhibit
A Harden Nest, 2012
handmade paper, wire, kozo mulberry fiber, flax, iron

The large-scale show features an array of paper art examples made by a long list of artists and it was an honor to have been invited to submit my work for inclusion.

Pulp Culture at Morris Museum - Artists

Many of the names are familiar ones in the world of paper and it was wonderful to have a chance to hear those who attended describe their art.

Pulp Culture exhibit - Morris Museum

This photo shows just a small portion of the gallery space and was taken early in the evening before many guests arrived. I can't begin to show all of the work that is on display, but these photos will give a taste of what to expect if you have the chance to go. The exhibit ends on December 7, 2014.

Counting Sheep, 2009 - Kyu Seok Oh
Counting Sheep, 2009
cast handmade paper mounted on steel

What fun it was to see a pair of Kyu Seok Oh's sheep up close and personal! I remember when the flock gathered as a Times Square installation a few winters ago.

Counting Sheep, 2009 - Kyu Seok Oh
 Photo: Noel Y. C. of NYC loves NYC

Not Fitting, 2009 - Eve Ingalls
 Not Fitting, 2009 
abaca handmade paper, pigment, wire, kozo paper 

I enjoyed meeting Eve Ingalls who allowed the paper she made to dry on an aluminum framework, causing the paper to twist and turn, synonymous with the realization that climate change is progressing.

Several paper dresses are on display; here are just two...

Fashion Statement, 2010 - Béatrice Coron
Fashion Statement, 2010
cut Tyvek

Not for Sale, 2002 - Cat Chow
Not for Sale, 2002
1000 shredded U.S. dollar bills, fishing line, glue 

It was lovely to meet Cat Chow as I had admired her crowd-pleasing dress at the James A. Michener Art Museum's Pulp Function exhibit in 2009. Cat describes the gown as a performance piece; she sought out $1 donations to shred and weave, and recorded the 1000 donors' names as a travelogue and documentation of the performance.  

There are altered books in many shapes and forms...

(S)edition, 2009 - Melissa Jay Craig
Melissa Jay Craig 
(S)Edition, 2009 
 cast and hand-shaped abaca, embellished with cotton rag
12 copies from an edition of 99

Spectrum, 2013 - Andrew Hayes
Spectrum, 2013 
 steel and book pages

Perhaps you remember the video of Li Hongbo's paper statues in motion that flew around the internet earlier this year. It was great to see his honeycombed paper art in the flesh, so to speak.

Cultured Man, 2012 - Li Hongbo
Li Hongbo
Cultured Man, 2012

I've long been drawn to Jaq Belcher's meticulous paper cuttings. She spoke about her process of creating such large works despite not being an especially patient person. Remarkably, she even keeps track of the number of cuts!

Initiation, 2012 - Jaq Belcher
Initiation, 2012
hand cut paper 12,456 cuts

Ocean Coral, 2013 - Erik Demaine, Martin Demaine
Ocean Coral, 2013 (blue sculpture)
Mi-Teintes watercolor paper
 Spill, 2011 - Olivia Bernard
Spill, 2011
steel, abaca paper, chicken wire, abaca pulp, pigment, glass

Process 10, 2014 - Matt Shlian
Process 10, 2014
cut paper

Sincerely, 2007 - Leah K. Tomaino
Sincerely, the Curator, 2007
recycled museum rejection letters, brown paper bags, acrylic paint, on canvas 

Emerge, 2013 - Deborah Baldizar
Emerge, 2013
cast paper and pen and ink

Three of Deborah Baldizar's cast paper sculptures are on display, including life-size Edge I had delighted in seeing at Pulp Function.

Lastly, I'm standing next to the case that holds my paper necklaces. I wrote about them here if you would like a closer look.

Ann Martin - Morris Museum - Pulp Culture
Also in this case:
Neckpiece, 1985 (upper right)
mixed media, Styrofoam balls, Chinese paper, rice paper, 24 kt. gold foil, lacquer, silver, copper and ebony 

Newspaper Necklace, 1986 (center front)
newspaper, PVC

On the wall:
Fan Dance, 2009
mixed media, handmade linen paper, pulp painted with antique lace, copper threads, inclusions

More examples can be seen in the Morris Museum Pulp Culture Facebook album, well worth a look as the photos were taken in the daytime when the space is flooded with natural light.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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