Pulp Culture: Paper is the Medium

I'm looking forward to visiting the Morris Museum to see the newly opened exhibit, Pulp Culture: Paper is the Medium, where three of my quilled necklaces are on display through December 7. Since many of you are far from New Jersey and won't be able to attend, perhaps you'd like to see them.

Quilled Necklace - Ring of Keys - Ann Martin
Ring of Keys, 2014

After a friend sent me some vibrant crepe paper that rolls beautifully, I was inspired to create a jazzy, wearable set of keys. It's a play on the Ring of Keys framed piece I made several years ago that was inspired by an antique Victrola key. Sometimes I make single key pendants... you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to make one of your own in my All Things Paper book. [disclosure: Amazon affiliate.]

Quilled Pendant - Silver Teardrop Orb - Ann Martin
Silver Teardrop Orb, 2011

The exhibit curator also chose this design; I call it Silver Teardrop Orb. You can learn to make it too, via the same book.

Quilled Pendant - Leaves and Loops - Ann Martin
Leaves and Loops, 2014

The third pendant is this golden design, Leaves and Loops.

Morris will be hosting workshops for children during the show - there is a paper making class this Saturday, a tour for very young children in October, and paper collage and pop-up book classes in November.

Quilled Shapes - Samples
crepe paper and quilled shape samples

A local newspaper reporter recently did an article about my work in conjunction with the opening that you can read here. The photographer took this picture of a poinsettia ornament that he suspended on a bottle lantern that happened to be on the table... I think it's a pretty cool impromptu photo!

Quilled Poinsettia Ornament
Photo: Kyle Grantham for The News Journal

I can't wait to explore the work of the nearly fifty contemporary paper artists who are included in the exhibit. Hopefully I'll be able to share some photos with you in an upcoming post. (Here is that post.)

September 2017: You'll find many new quilled jewelry designs in my how-to book, The Art of Quilling Paper Jewelry.

All Things Paper is an Amazon affiliate.

Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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