Altered Book Sculptures - Kenjio

Just when I think I've seen everything imaginable in the realm of altered books...

Thinker under Tree

Daniel Lai is a Chinese artist who grew up in Malaysia and now resides in Tennessee. He creates his intriguing art pieces during study breaks... Daniel is currently working toward a Ph.D. in Criminology, and has degrees in Linguistics and Art Studies/Art History as well.

A veritable army of cleverly positioned clay Thinkers can be seen in Daniel's Etsy shop, Kenjio. He describes the sculptures as a "reflection of the contemplation of new knowledge." Something tells me Daniel is speaking from personal experience considering his degree interests!
2023 Update: Daniel's shop is now called Art by Daniel Lai, he resides in Florida, and has added brilliant color to his altered book sculptures. 

All Things Paper is an Etsy affiliate.
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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