Vegan Taxidermy - Aimée Baldwin
Aimée gathers plant knowledge by studying live specimens collected during local hikes and says the only way she can depict a plant accurately "is to copy a fully dimensional real plant, and sometimes this includes taking it apart to understand all of its little bits. I use my work as an excuse to go on excursions to see wildlife and plants. I would go out hiking anyway, but hikes are more fun without the guilt that I would have if I were avoiding work." Sounds like a plan to me!
Miner's Lettuce, a San Francisco Bay area native plant, is exhibited in Aimée's current show, which runs through June 15th at Castle in the Air in Berkeley, California.
See more examples of Aimée's plants and birds on her Instagram feed, vegan.taxidermy.
Reminder: The Fabulous Flowers Klutz book giveaway ends at the end of Saturday. Winners will be announced on that post on Sunday.