Quilled Floral Card via How About Orange Blog Inspiration

Perhaps you're familiar with the popular blog, How About Orange. Jessica Jones is a graphic and textile designer with a flair for writing about crafty topics that inspire. Often she posts tutorials of her own clever projects, and also spotlights free digital downloads and funny, little quizzes she unearths around the web.

stack of bright floral jacquard ribbon
Recently Jessica unveiled a new line of floral jacquard ribbon that features her own bright designs, and my first thought was that the whimsical flowers would be perfect to translate into a quilled card design. I couldn't refrain from giving them a try over the weekend.

blue quilled card with colorful flowers
Thanks Jessica, for allowing me to show the result here - your fantasy flowers are a much-needed taste of spring. I chose the ribbon color with you in mind, of course!

side view of brightly colored quilled floral card
I'm sure you all know this, but want to be clear that when you use the original design of another, ask for permission. As long as you won't be making something with it for anything other than your own personal use, it's usually fine, but please take the time to check.
Ann Martin
Ann Martin

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