Even More Quilled Lettering!
I love coming across bloggers who have given quilling a try and discovered how much they enjoy the process and results. Here are three such folks... and based on their eye-catching designs it's hard to tell they are all quite new to paper rolling.
First up is Lorene, from I am just Lu, who made this pretty W.

Lorene gets together monthly with several relatives and friends who call themselves the Crafty McCrafters. Recently they met to quill monograms, using Craftastical's excellent tutorial. Lorene shares helpful tips in her post that are the result of trial and error, often the very best way to learn. She's since gone on to make several more letters.

I think it's safe to say Lorene's sister-in-law Dusty, who blogs at Doug's Supertastic Blogging Experience, is also smitten with quilling. Her first attempt was this graceful N. Rather than beginning by shaping a paper frame for the letter, she relied on long scrolls to create it.

Dusty's next project was something I have to admit I've never seen translated into quilling before... can you guess what it is?

A peace sign. Well done, Dusty!

She used clip art to trace the basic outline, filled it in with scrolls, and placed it in a shadowbox. Dusty has also framed this stylish tree, created from loose scrolls, teardrop coils, and a teeny-tiny heart.

Lastly, here's a project that requires a bigger time investment, but if you happen to love paisley, it's well worth it.

Suzy, from Suzy's Artsy Crafty Sitcom, designed this pretty amazing A. She's posted a how-to that begins with the creation of a dimensional cardboard base. [edit: newer tutorial, letter H]

Making these as personalized, but inexpensive Christmas gifts is a brilliant idea. By the way, Suzy kindly interviewed me not long ago... the post is here if you'd like to read how I got started in this whole quilling/blogging adventure. But don't be alarmed by the initial chatter about Tom Selleck and Gordon Ramsay... Suzy is quite the character!
Previous quilled monogram posts can be found here, here, here, and here. Lots of ideas, if you are into pretty letters!
First up is Lorene, from I am just Lu, who made this pretty W.
Lorene gets together monthly with several relatives and friends who call themselves the Crafty McCrafters. Recently they met to quill monograms, using Craftastical's excellent tutorial. Lorene shares helpful tips in her post that are the result of trial and error, often the very best way to learn. She's since gone on to make several more letters.
I think it's safe to say Lorene's sister-in-law Dusty, who blogs at Doug's Supertastic Blogging Experience, is also smitten with quilling. Her first attempt was this graceful N. Rather than beginning by shaping a paper frame for the letter, she relied on long scrolls to create it.
Dusty's next project was something I have to admit I've never seen translated into quilling before... can you guess what it is?
A peace sign. Well done, Dusty!
She used clip art to trace the basic outline, filled it in with scrolls, and placed it in a shadowbox. Dusty has also framed this stylish tree, created from loose scrolls, teardrop coils, and a teeny-tiny heart.
Lastly, here's a project that requires a bigger time investment, but if you happen to love paisley, it's well worth it.
Suzy, from Suzy's Artsy Crafty Sitcom, designed this pretty amazing A. She's posted a how-to that begins with the creation of a dimensional cardboard base. [edit: newer tutorial, letter H]
Making these as personalized, but inexpensive Christmas gifts is a brilliant idea. By the way, Suzy kindly interviewed me not long ago... the post is here if you'd like to read how I got started in this whole quilling/blogging adventure. But don't be alarmed by the initial chatter about Tom Selleck and Gordon Ramsay... Suzy is quite the character!
Previous quilled monogram posts can be found here, here, here, and here. Lots of ideas, if you are into pretty letters!